Parramatta Central

Health - Life - Hope


Have you heard?

We have a NEW HOME!

Every Sabbath we now meet @ Level 2/25 George St Parramatta

10AM Kids Club & Discovery Programs

Bible Reading

11:15AM Worship Service

Current Month


Welcome and thanks for stopping by!
At Parramatta Central, our vision is to create a caring environment, which shares the love and acceptance of Jesus to all people. It’s literally, “Good News!”

Daniel Przybylko Profile Picture

Mental Health Tips

About Us

At Parramatta Central
We aim to bring HEALTH, LIFE, and HOPE in the context of a Faith Community to the urban residents in and around Parramatta.


Because that’s what God wants for all people


To help you live your best life possible – an abundant life


We all encounter times in our life when we need some encouragement and something better to look forward to. We want that for you.

Come and introduce yourself to us… we look forward to meeting with you!


SERVE our city

LOVE, Respect & Connect

Provide a safe place to FLOURISH

Bring hope to our COMMUNITY

Talk To Us

Let's Meet Up

We have so many activities. Let us know what interests you and we will gladly update you.

Find Us

Covid 19 update
All our public meetings have been suspended untill further notice.
We are still meeting online, using Xoom.

Parramatta Central is a church that serves across the entire city.

Please don’t get lost!

We pop up in various places in Parramatta CBD.
Please select a date to the right, to see the event details including…
location and meet up time.


Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life... more abundantly.”
John 10:10


So come join us soon. Stop, Revive and Thrive.

Come and live your life more abundantly!

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